Box Developer Documentation

    Mark file as Box Doc Gen template

    Guides Box Doc Gen Mark file as Box Doc Gen template
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    Mark file as Box Doc Gen template

    You can mark an existing document as a Box Doc Gen template and use it to generate documents.

    Before you start

    Before you start using Box Doc Gen API, follow the steps listed in the get started with Box Doc Gen guide to create a custom app and a Box Doc Gen template.

    Send a request

    To send a request containing your question, use the POST /2.0/docgen_templates endpoint and provide the mandatory parameters.


    To make a call you need to pass the following parameters. Mandatory parameters are in bold.

    file.idID of the file to be marked as the Box Doc Gen template.12345678
    file.typeThe type of provided input. The value is always file.file

    Use cases

    Mark a file as Box Doc Gen template

    The following sample show you how to mark a file to ensure it is recognized as a Box Doc Gen template.

    The file must be in .docx format.

    curl -L '' \
         -H 'box-version: 2025.0' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
         -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
         -D '{
            "file": {
                "id": "12345678",
                "type": "file"

    Remove Box Doc Gen template marking from a file

    To make sure a file is no longer marked as a Box Doc Gen template, use the DELETE 2.0/docgen_templates/:template_id request.

    curl -L -X DELETE '' \
         -H 'box-version: 2025.0' \
         -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'