Box Developer Documentation

    Create Slack Integration Mapping

    Create Slack Integration Mapping

    Use the POST integration_mappings/slack/:integration_mapping_id call to create a mapping. To make it work, you need box_item and partner_item parameters, which refer to a Box folder and a Slack channel, respectively.

    Remember that before the mapping can be created, this service account must be set as a co-owner role on the folder that is being mapped. If you encounter any errors, see the troubleshooting guide.

    curl -X -L POST "" \
         -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
         -H 'content-type: application/json' \
         -d '{
              "partner_item": {
                  "id": "C987654321",
                  "type": "channel",
                  "slack_workspace_id": "T5555555"
              "box_item": {
                  "id": "123456789",
                  "type": "folder"

    You can provide options that change the default settings for the created mapping. For example setting is_access_management_disabled to true will disable collaboration management. Slack channel members will not become collaborators on the channel folder and no shared links will be created for channels with 1000+ members.

    Create Slack Integration Mapping with Box SDK

    Use Box SDK to automatically create the Integration Mapping, including a co-owner collaboration of the service account on the Slack channel - Box folder mapping. To do so, use this script:

    const BoxSDK = require('box-node-sdk');
    const axios = require('axios');
    const integrationMappingsApiUrl = ''
    const boxFolderId = 'PASTE YOUR FOLDER ID HERE';
    const slackChannelId = 'PASTE YOUR CHANNEL ID HERE';
    const developerToken = 'PASTE YOUR DEVELOPER TOKEN HERE';
    let serviceAccountId = '<PLACEHOLDER>';
    const client = BoxSDK.getBasicClient(developerToken);
    async function postIntegrationMappingSlack(){
        return, {
            partner_item: {
                id: slackChannelId,
                slack_org_id: slackOrgId, // change slack_org_id to slack_workspace_id if Box for Slack is installed on the workspace level
                type: "channel"
            box_item: {
                id: boxFolderId,
                type: "folder"
        }, {
            headers: {
                'Authorization': `Bearer ${developerToken}`
    function isPlaceholder(str){
        return str === '<PLACEHOLDER>';
    async function addCoowner(serviceAccountId, folderId){
        try {
            await client.collaborations.createWithUserID(serviceAccountId, folderId, 'co-owner')
        } catch (error){
            if(error.response.body.code === 'user_already_collaborator'){
                console.log('Service account already collaborated in the co-owner role.')
            } else {
                throw error;
    async function logServiceAccountId() {
        try {
            await postIntegrationMappingSlack();
        } catch (error) {
            console.log(`Replace the value of serviceAccountId with: ${} and re-run the script.`)
    async function createSlackIntegrationMapping() {
            await logServiceAccountId();
        } else {
            await addCoowner(serviceAccountId, boxFolderId);
            await postIntegrationMappingSlack();
    module.exports = { createSlackIntegrationMapping }

    Make sure to replace PLACEHOLDER with the logged value of serviceAccountId.