Download File Representation

Guides Representations Download File Representation
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Download File Representation

Use theurl_template that was received when selecting the representation to download the representation. Replace the {+asset_path} depending on the type of representation.

Paginated representations

For paged representations like PDFs replace {+asset_path} with the desired page number and the file extension, for example 1.pdf.

curl \
    -H "authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"

Non-paginated representations

For non-paged representations, replace the {+asset_path} with an empty string.

curl \
    -H "authorization: Bearer ACCESS_TOKEN"

Optional query parameters

When fetching the representation the following optional headers are supported.

set_content_disposition_typeinline / attachmentnull

Sets the content-disposition header in the API response with the specified value. A disposition type of attachment causes most web browsers to prompt the user to save the response to their device, where the type inline will open the file in the browser.

If not supplied, the content-disposition header is not included in the response.

set_content_disposition_filenameFilename without extensionnull

Allows the application to define the downloaded representation's file name.

If not defined, the file name is derived from the source file name in Box, replacing the extension with the representation's file type.