Box Developer Documentation
Latest version

Get AI agent default configuration


This endpoint is in the version 2024.0. No changes are required to continue using it. For more details, see Box API versioning.

Get the AI agent default config



Query Parameters

stringin queryoptional

The ISO language code to return the agent config for. If the language is not supported the default agent config is returned.

stringin queryrequired

The mode to filter the agent config to return.

Value is one of ask,text_gen,extract,extract_structured

stringin queryoptional

The model to return the default agent config for.


A successful response including the default agent configuration. This response can be one of the following four objects:

  • AI agent for questions
  • AI agent for text generation
  • AI agent for freeform metadata extraction
  • AI agent for structured metadata extraction. The response depends on the agent configuration requested in this endpoint.
application/jsonClient error

An unexpected server error.

application/jsonClient error

An unexpected error.

Get AI agent default configuration
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Request Example

curl -L GET "" \
     -H 'Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>'

Response Example

  "type": "ai_agent_ask",
  "basic_text": {
    "llm_endpoint_params": {
      "type": "openai_params",
      "frequency_penalty": 1.5,
      "presence_penalty": 1.5,
      "stop": "<|im_end|>",
      "temperature": 0,
      "top_p": 1
    "model": "azure__openai__gpt_4o_mini",
    "num_tokens_for_completion": 8400,
    "prompt_template": "It is `{current_date}`, consider these travel options `{content}` and answer the `{user_question}`.",
    "system_message": "You are a helpful travel assistant specialized in budget travel"
  "basic_text_multi": {
    "llm_endpoint_params": {
      "type": "openai_params",
      "frequency_penalty": 1.5,
      "presence_penalty": 1.5,
      "stop": "<|im_end|>",
      "temperature": 0,
      "top_p": 1
    "model": "azure__openai__gpt_4o_mini",
    "num_tokens_for_completion": 8400,
    "prompt_template": "It is `{current_date}`, consider these travel options `{content}` and answer the `{user_question}`.",
    "system_message": "You are a helpful travel assistant specialized in budget travel"
  "long_text": {
    "embeddings": {
      "model": "azure__openai__text_embedding_ada_002",
      "strategy": {
        "id": "basic",
        "num_tokens_per_chunk": 64
    "llm_endpoint_params": {
      "type": "openai_params",
      "frequency_penalty": 1.5,
      "presence_penalty": 1.5,
      "stop": "<|im_end|>",
      "temperature": 0,
      "top_p": 1
    "model": "azure__openai__gpt_4o_mini",
    "num_tokens_for_completion": 8400,
    "prompt_template": "It is `{current_date}`, consider these travel options `{content}` and answer the `{user_question}`.",
    "system_message": "You are a helpful travel assistant specialized in budget travel"
  "long_text_multi": {
    "embeddings": {
      "model": "azure__openai__text_embedding_ada_002",
      "strategy": {
        "id": "basic",
        "num_tokens_per_chunk": 64
    "llm_endpoint_params": {
      "type": "openai_params",
      "frequency_penalty": 1.5,
      "presence_penalty": 1.5,
      "stop": "<|im_end|>",
      "temperature": 0,
      "top_p": 1
    "model": "azure__openai__gpt_4o_mini",
    "num_tokens_for_completion": 8400,
    "prompt_template": "It is `{current_date}`, consider these travel options `{content}` and answer the `{user_question}`.",
    "system_message": "You are a helpful travel assistant specialized in budget travel"