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Extract metadata (freeform)


Sends an AI request to supported Large Language Models (LLMs) and extracts metadata in form of key-value pairs. Freeform metadata extraction does not require any metadata template setup before sending the request.



Request Body

The AI agent to be used for extraction.

object arrayin bodyrequired

The items that LLM will process. Currently, you can use files only.

stringin bodyrequired

The ID of the file.

stringin bodyrequired

The type of the item. Currently the value can be file only.

Value is always file

stringin bodyoptional
"This is file content."

The content of the item, often the text representation.

stringin bodyrequired
"\"fields\":[{\"type\":\"string\",\"key\":\"name\",\"displayName\":\"Name\",\"description\":\"The customer name\",\"prompt\":\"Name is always the first word in the document\"},{\"type\":\"date\",\"key\":\"last_contacted_at\",\"displayName\":\"Last Contacted At\",\"description\":\"When this customer was last contacted at\"}]"

The prompt provided to a Large Language Model (LLM) in the request. The prompt can be up to 10000 characters long and it can be an XML or a JSON schema.


application/jsonAI response

A response including the answer from the LLM.

application/jsonClient error

An unexpected client error.

application/jsonClient error

An unexpected server error.

Extract metadata (freeform)
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Request Example

curl -i -L '' \
     -H 'content-type: application/json' \
     -H 'authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>' \
     -d '{
        "prompt": "Extract data related to contract conditions",
        "items": [
                  "type": "file",
                  "id": "1497741268097"
        "ai_agent": {
          "type": "ai_agent_extract",
          "long_text": {
            "model": "azure__openai__gpt_3_5_turbo_16k",
            "system_message": "You are a helpful travel assistant specialized in budget travel",
            "prompt_template": "It is `{current_date}`, and I have $8000 and want to spend a week in the Azores. What should I see?",
            "num_tokens_for_completion": 8400,
            "llm_endpoint_params": {
              "type": "openai_params",
              "temperature": 0,
              "top_p": 1,
              "frequency_penalty": 1.5,
              "presence_penalty": 1.5,
              "stop": "<|im_end|>"
            "embeddings": {
              "model": "openai__text_embedding_ada_002",
              "strategy": {
                "id": "basic",
                "num_tokens_per_chunk": 64
          "basic_text": {
            "model": "azure__openai__gpt_3_5_turbo_16k",
            "system_message": "You are a helpful travel assistant specialized in budget travel",
            "prompt_template": "It is `{current_date}`, and I have $8000 and want to spend a week in the Azores. What should I see?",
            "num_tokens_for_completion": 8400,
            "llm_endpoint_params": {
              "type": "openai_params",
              "temperature": 0,
              "top_p": 1,
              "frequency_penalty": 1.5,
              "presence_penalty": 1.5,
              "stop": "<|im_end|>"
TypeScript Gen
  prompt: 'firstName, lastName, location, yearOfBirth, company',
  items: [new AiItemBase({ id: })],
} satisfies AiExtract);
Python Gen
    "firstName, lastName, location, yearOfBirth, company",
.NET Gen
await client.Ai.CreateAiExtractAsync(requestBody: new AiExtract(prompt: "firstName, lastName, location, yearOfBirth, company", items: Array.AsReadOnly(new [] {new AiItemBase(id: file.Id)})));
Swift Gen (Beta)
try await AiExtract(prompt: "firstName, lastName, location, yearOfBirth, company", items: [AiItemBase(id:]))

Response Example

  "answer": "Public APIs are important because of key and important reasons.",
  "completion_reason": "done",
  "created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00"