Box Developer Documentation
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    Request access token


    This endpoint is in the version 2024.0. No changes are required to continue using it. For more details, see Box API versioning.

    Request an Access Token using either a client-side obtained OAuth 2.0 authorization code or a server-side JWT assertion.

    An Access Token is a string that enables Box to verify that a request belongs to an authorized session. In the normal order of operations you will begin by requesting authentication from the authorize endpoint and Box will send you an authorization code.

    You will then send this code to this endpoint to exchange it for an Access Token. The returned Access Token can then be used to to make Box API calls.



    Request Body

    string (token)in bodyoptional

    The token used to create an annotator token. This is a JWT assertion.

    Used in combination with urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange as the grant_type.

    string (urn)in bodyoptional

    The type of actor_token passed in.

    Used in combination with urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange as the grant_type.

    Value is always urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:id_token

    string (jwt)in bodyoptional

    A JWT assertion for which to request a new access token.

    Used in combination with urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer as the grant_type.

    stringin bodyoptional

    Used in combination with client_credentials as the grant_type. Value is determined by box_subject_type. If user use user ID and if enterprise use enterprise ID.

    stringin bodyoptional

    Used in combination with client_credentials as the grant_type.

    Value is one of enterprise,user

    stringin bodyoptional

    The Client ID of the application requesting an access token.

    Used in combination with authorization_code, client_credentials, or urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer as the grant_type.

    stringin bodyoptional

    The client secret of the application requesting an access token.

    Used in combination with authorization_code, client_credentials, or urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer as the grant_type.

    string (token)in bodyoptional

    The client-side authorization code passed to your application by Box in the browser redirect after the user has successfully granted your application permission to make API calls on their behalf.

    Used in combination with authorization_code as the grant_type.

    string (urn)in bodyrequired

    The type of request being made, either using a client-side obtained authorization code, a refresh token, a JWT assertion, client credentials grant or another access token for the purpose of downscoping a token.

    Value is one of authorization_code,refresh_token,client_credentials,urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:jwt-bearer,urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange

    string (token)in bodyoptional

    A refresh token used to get a new access token with.

    Used in combination with refresh_token as the grant_type.

    string (url)in bodyoptional

    Full URL for the file that the token should be generated for.

    string (space_delimited_list)in bodyoptional
    "item_upload item_preview base_explorer"

    The space-delimited list of scopes that you want apply to the new access token.

    The subject_token will need to have all of these scopes or the call will error with 401 Unauthorized.

    string (token)in bodyoptional

    The token to exchange for a downscoped token. This can be a regular access token, a JWT assertion, or an app token.

    Used in combination with urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange as the grant_type.

    stringin bodyoptional

    The type of subject_token passed in.

    Used in combination with urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange as the grant_type.

    Value is always urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token


    application/jsonAccess token

    Returns a new Access Token that can be used to make authenticated API calls by passing along the token in a authorization header as follows Authorization: Bearer <Token>.

    application/jsonOAuth 2.0 error

    An authentication error.

    application/jsonOAuth 2.0 error

    An authentication error.

    Request access token
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    Request Example

    curl -i -X POST "" \
         -H "content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
         -d "client_id=[CLIENT_ID]" \
         -d "client_secret=[CLIENT_SECRET]" \
         -d "code=[CODE]" \
         -d "grant_type=authorization_code"

    Response Example

      "access_token": "c3FIOG9vSGV4VHo4QzAyg5T1JvNnJoZ3ExaVNyQWw6WjRsanRKZG5lQk9qUE1BVQ",
      "expires_in": 3600,
      "issued_token_type": "urn:ietf:params:oauth:token-type:access_token",
      "refresh_token": "c3FIOG9vSGV4VHo4QzAyg5T1JvNnJoZ3ExaVNyQWw6WjRsanRKZG5lQk9qUE1BVQ",
      "restricted_to": [
          "object": {
            "etag": "1",
            "id": "12345",
            "type": "folder",
            "name": "Contracts",
            "sequence_id": "3"
          "scope": "item_download"
      "token_type": "bearer"