Box Developer Documentation
    Latest version

    Starts workflow based on request body


    This endpoint is in the version 2024.0. No changes are required to continue using it. For more details, see Box API versioning.

    Initiates a flow with a trigger type of WORKFLOW_MANUAL_START.

    You application must be authorized to use the Manage Box Relay application scope within the developer console.


    bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]

    Path Parameters

    stringin pathrequired

    The ID of the workflow.

    Request Body

    stringin bodyoptional

    The type of the parameters object

    Value is always workflow_parameters

    object arrayin bodyrequired

    The array of files for which the workflow should start. All files must be in the workflow's configured folder.

    stringin bodyoptional

    The id of the file

    stringin bodyoptional

    The type of the file object

    Value is always file

    objectin body

    The flow that will be triggered

    stringin bodyrequired

    The id of the flow

    stringin bodyrequired

    The type of the flow object

    objectin body

    The folder object for which the workflow is configured.

    stringin bodyrequired

    The id of the folder

    stringin bodyrequired

    The type of the folder object

    Value is always folder

    object arrayin bodyoptional

    A configurable outcome the workflow should complete.

    stringin bodyconditionally required

    ID of a specific outcome

    Lists collaborators affected by the workflow result.

    stringin bodyoptional

    Collaborator object type.

    Value is always variable

    stringin bodyoptional

    Variable type for the Collaborator object.

    Value is always user_list

    object arrayin bodyoptional

    A list of user IDs.

    stringin bodyconditionally required

    User's ID.

    stringin bodyconditionally required

    The object type.

    Value is always user

    Determines if an action should be completed by all or any assignees.

    stringin bodyoptional

    Completion Rule object type.

    Value is always variable

    stringin bodyoptional

    Variable type for the Completion Rule object.

    Value is always task_completion_rule

    stringin bodyoptional

    Variable values for a completion rule.

    Value is one of all_assignees,any_assignees

    Determines if the workflow outcome for a file affects a specific collaborator role.

    stringin bodyoptional

    Role object type.

    Value is always variable


    The variable type used by the object.

    Value is always collaborator_role


    Variable values you can use for the role parameter.

    Value is one of editor,viewer,previewer,uploader,previewer uploader,viewer uploader,co-owner

    objectin body

    Determines if the workflow outcome affects a specific collaborator role.

    stringin bodyoptional

    Role object type.

    Value is always variable

    stringin bodyoptional

    The variable type used by the object.

    Value is always collaborator_role

    stringin bodyoptional

    Variable values you can use for the role parameter.

    Value is one of editor,viewer,previewer,uploader,previewer uploader,viewer uploader,co-owner

    Lists collaborators affected by the task workflow result.

    stringin bodyoptional

    Collaborator object type.

    Value is always variable

    stringin bodyoptional

    Variable type for the Collaborator object.

    Value is always user_list

    object arrayin bodyoptional

    A list of user IDs.

    stringin bodyconditionally required

    User's ID.

    stringin bodyconditionally required

    The object type.

    Value is always user



    Starts the workflow.

    application/jsonClient error

    Returns an error if some of the parameters are missing or not valid.

    • workflow_is_not_enabled when the workflow is not enabled
    • workflow_not_active_on_provided_folder when the workflow is not enabled for the specified folder id
    • parameters_provided_do_not_match_target_outcome when the provided parameters do not match the expected parameters
    application/jsonClient error

    Returns an error if there are insufficient permissions.

    • insufficient_access when the user does not have access rights to file or folder
    • missing_relay_full_access when the user does not have access to Relay Full
    application/jsonClient error

    Returns an error if the workflow could not be found, or the authenticated user does not have access to the workflow.

    • workflow_not_found when the workflow is not found
    • flow_missing_or_inaccessible when the flow is not a manual start flow
    application/jsonClient error

    An unexpected client error.

    Starts workflow based on request body
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    Request Example

    curl -i -X POST "" \
         -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
         -d '{
           "type": "workflow_parameters",
           "flow": {
            "id": "8937625",
            "type": "flow"
           "files": [{
              "type": "file",
              "id": "389047572"
              "type": "file",
              "id": "389047578"
           "folder": {
             "id": "2233212",
             "type": "folder"
           "outcomes": [
                "id": "34895783",
                "type": "outcome",
                "task_collaborators": {
                    "type": "variable",
                    "variable_type": "user_list",
                    "variable_value": [{ "type": "user", "id": "890273642" }]
                "completion_rule": {
                    "type": "variable",
                    "variable_type": "task_completion_rule",
                    "variable_value": "all_assignees"
                "file_collaborator_role": {
                    "type": "variable",
                    "variable_type": "collaborator_role",
                    "variable_value": "viewer"