Box Developer Documentation

    Folder (Full)

    This resource is used by enpoints in the version 2024.0. For more details, see Box API versioning.

    A full representation of a folder, as can be returned from any folder API endpoints by default

    This resource has a few variations that can be encountered when using the API.

    The fields that are part of the full variant can be returned by API endpoints that support the fields parameter. For example, by defining the fields request parameter as id,type when requesting a file by ID, only those fields will be returned in the API response.


    The unique identifier that represent a folder.

    The ID for any folder can be determined by visiting a folder in the web application and copying the ID from the URL. For example, for the URL https://* the folder_id is 123.



    Value is always folder


    A list of the types of roles that user can be invited at when sharing this folder.


    Specifies if users who are not the owner of the folder can invite new collaborators to the folder.


    Specifies if collaborators who are not owners of this folder are restricted from viewing other collaborations on this folder.

    It also restricts non-owners from inviting new collaborators.

    Details about the classification applied to this folder.


    The color that is used to display the classification label in a user-interface. Colors are defined by the admin or co-admin who created the classification in the Box web app.

    Content that should not be shared outside the company.

    An explanation of the meaning of this classification.

    Top Secret

    The name of the classification

    string (date-time)

    The date and time at which this folder was originally created.

    string (date-time)

    The date and time at which this folder was last updated.

    string (date-time)

    The date and time when the folder was created. This value may be null for some folders such as the root folder or the trash folder.

    The user who created this folder

    Legal contracts for the new ACME deal

    The optional description of this folder


    The HTTP etag of this folder. This can be used within some API endpoints in the If-Match and If-None-Match headers to only perform changes on the folder if (no) changes have happened.

    The folder_upload_email parameter is not null if one of the following options is true:

    • The Allow uploads to this folder via email and the Only allow email uploads from collaborators in this folder are enabled for a folder in the Admin Console, and the user has at least Upload permissions granted.

    • The Allow uploads to this folder via email setting is enabled for a folder in the Admin Console, and the Only allow email uploads from collaborators in this folder setting is deactivated (unchecked).

    If the conditions are not met, the parameter will have the following value: folder_upload_email: null


    When this parameter has been set, users can email files to the email address that has been automatically created for this folder.

    To create an email address, set this property either when creating or updating the folder.

    When set to collaborators, only emails from registered email addresses for collaborators will be accepted. This includes any email aliases a user might have registered.

    When set to open it will accept emails from any email address.

    Value is one of open,collaborators

    The optional upload email address for this folder.


    Specifies if this folder has any other collaborators.


    This field will return true if the folder or any ancestor of the folder is associated with at least one app item. Note that this will return true even if the context user does not have access to the app item(s) associated with the folder.


    Specifies if new invites to this folder are restricted to users within the enterprise. This does not affect existing collaborations.


    Specifies if this folder is owned by a user outside of the authenticated enterprise.

    A page of the items that are in the folder.

    This field can only be requested when querying a folder's information, not when querying a folder's items.


    Defines if this item has been deleted or not.

    • active when the item has is not in the trash
    • trashed when the item has been moved to the trash but not deleted
    • deleted when the item has been permanently deleted.

    Value is one of active,trashed,deleted

    associative array

    An object containing the metadata instances that have been attached to this folder.

    Each metadata instance is uniquely identified by its scope and templateKey. There can only be one instance of any metadata template attached to each folder. Each metadata instance is nested within an object with the templateKey as the key, which again itself is nested in an object with the scope as the key.

    associative array

    A list of metadata instances, nested within key-value pairs of their scope and templateKey.

    An instance of a metadata template, which has been applied to a file or folder.

    string (date-time)

    The date and time when the folder was last updated. This value may be null for some folders such as the root folder or the trash folder.

    The user who last modified this folder.


    The name of the folder.

    The user who owns this folder.

    The optional folder that this folder is located within.

    This value may be null for some folders such as the root folder or the trash folder.

    The tree of folders that this folder is contained in, starting at the root.

    The parent folders for this item


    The number of folders in this list.

    Describes the permissions that the current user has for this folder


    Specifies if the current user can delete this item.


    Specifies if the current user can download this item.


    Specifies if the current user can invite new users to collaborate on this item, and if the user can update the role of a user already collaborated on this item.


    Specifies if the user can rename this item.


    Specifies if the user can change the access level of an existing shared link on this item.


    Specifies if the user can create a shared link for this item.


    Specifies if the user can upload into this folder.

    string (date-time)

    The time at which this folder is expected to be purged from the trash.


    A numeric identifier that represents the most recent user event that has been applied to this item.

    This can be used in combination with the GET /events-endpoint to filter out user events that would have occurred before this identifier was read.

    An example would be where a Box Drive-like application would fetch an item via the API, and then listen to incoming user events for changes to the item. The application would ignore any user events where the sequence_id in the event is smaller than or equal to the sequence_id in the originally fetched resource.

    integer (int64)

    The folder size in bytes.

    Be careful parsing this integer as its value can get very large.


    Specifies whether a folder should be synced to a user's device or not. This is used by Box Sync (discontinued) and is not used by Box Drive.

    Value is one of synced,not_synced,partially_synced

    string array

    The tags for this item. These tags are shown in the Box web app and mobile apps next to an item.

    To add or remove a tag, retrieve the item's current tags, modify them, and then update this field.

    There is a limit of 100 tags per item, and 10,000 unique tags per enterprise.

    string (date-time)

    The time at which this folder was put in the trash.

    Details about the watermark applied to this folder


    Specifies if this item has a watermark applied.

    Response Example

      "id": "12345",
      "type": "folder",
      "allowed_invitee_roles": [
      "allowed_shared_link_access_levels": [
      "can_non_owners_invite": true,
      "can_non_owners_view_collaborators": true,
      "classification": {
        "color": "#FF0000",
        "definition": "Content that should not be shared outside the company.",
        "name": "Top Secret"
      "content_created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
      "content_modified_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
      "created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
      "created_by": {
        "id": "11446498",
        "type": "user",
        "login": "",
        "name": "Aaron Levie"
      "description": "Legal contracts for the new ACME deal",
      "etag": "1",
      "folder_upload_email": {
        "access": "open",
        "email": ""
      "has_collaborations": true,
      "is_accessible_via_shared_link": true,
      "is_associated_with_app_item": true,
      "is_collaboration_restricted_to_enterprise": true,
      "is_externally_owned": true,
      "item_collection": {
        "entries": [
            "etag": "1",
            "id": "12345",
            "type": "file",
            "file_version": {
              "id": "12345",
              "type": "file_version",
              "sha1": "134b65991ed521fcfe4724b7d814ab8ded5185dc"
            "name": "Contract.pdf",
            "sequence_id": "3",
            "sha1": "85136C79CBF9FE36BB9D05D0639C70C265C18D37",
            "content_created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
            "content_modified_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
            "created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
            "created_by": {
              "id": "11446498",
              "type": "user",
              "login": "",
              "name": "Aaron Levie"
            "description": "Contract for Q1 renewal",
            "item_status": "active",
            "modified_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
            "modified_by": {
              "id": "11446498",
              "type": "user",
              "login": "",
              "name": "Aaron Levie"
            "owned_by": {
              "id": "11446498",
              "type": "user",
              "login": "",
              "name": "Aaron Levie"
            "parent": {
              "etag": "1",
              "id": "12345",
              "type": "folder",
              "name": "Contracts",
              "sequence_id": "3"
            "path_collection": {
              "entries": [
                  "etag": "1",
                  "id": "12345",
                  "type": "folder",
                  "name": "Contracts",
                  "sequence_id": "3"
              "total_count": 1
            "purged_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
            "shared_link": {
              "access": "open",
              "download_count": 3,
              "download_url": "",
              "effective_access": "company",
              "effective_permission": "can_download",
              "is_password_enabled": true,
              "permissions": {
                "can_download": true,
                "can_edit": false,
                "can_preview": true
              "preview_count": 3,
              "unshared_at": "2018-04-13T13:53:23-07:00",
              "url": "",
              "vanity_name": "my_url",
              "vanity_url": ""
            "size": 629644,
            "trashed_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
            "allowed_invitee_roles": [
            "classification": {
              "color": "#FF0000",
              "definition": "Content that should not be shared outside the company.",
              "name": "Top Secret"
            "comment_count": 10,
            "disposition_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
            "expires_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
            "expiring_embed_link": {
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              "expires_in": 3600,
              "restricted_to": [
                  "object": {
                    "etag": "1",
                    "id": "12345",
                    "type": "folder",
                    "name": "Contracts",
                    "sequence_id": "3"
                  "scope": "item_download"
              "token_type": "bearer",
              "url": ""
            "extension": "pdf",
            "has_collaborations": true,
            "is_accessible_via_shared_link": true,
            "is_associated_with_app_item": true,
            "is_externally_owned": true,
            "is_package": true,
            "lock": {
              "app_type": "office_wopiplus",
              "created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
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                "id": "11446498",
                "type": "user",
                "login": "",
                "name": "Aaron Levie"
              "expired_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
              "id": "11446498",
              "is_download_prevented": true,
              "type": "lock"
            "metadata": {
              "enterprise_27335": {
                "marketingCollateral": {
                  "$canEdit": true,
                  "$id": "01234500-12f1-1234-aa12-b1d234cb567e",
                  "$parent": "folder_59449484661",
                  "$scope": "enterprise_27335",
                  "$template": "marketingCollateral",
                  "$type": "properties-6bcba49f-ca6d-4d2a-a758-57fe6edf44d0",
                  "$typeVersion": 2,
                  "$version": 1
            "permissions": {
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              "can_download": true,
              "can_invite_collaborator": true,
              "can_rename": true,
              "can_set_share_access": true,
              "can_share": true,
              "can_annotate": true,
              "can_comment": true,
              "can_preview": true,
              "can_upload": true,
              "can_view_annotations_all": true,
              "can_view_annotations_self": true
            "representations": {
              "entries": [
                  "content": {
                    "url_template": "{+asset_path}?watermark_content=4567"
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                    "url": ""
                  "properties": {
                    "dimensions": "2048x2048",
                    "paged": "true",
                    "thumb": "true"
                  "representation": "png",
                  "status": {
                    "state": "success"
            "shared_link_permission_options": [
            "tags": [
            "uploader_display_name": "Ellis Wiggins",
            "version_number": "1",
            "watermark_info": {
              "is_watermarked": true
        "limit": 1000,
        "next_marker": "JV9IRGZmieiBasejOG9yDCRNgd2ymoZIbjsxbJMjIs3kioVii",
        "offset": 2000,
        "order": [
            "by": "type",
            "direction": "ASC"
        "prev_marker": "JV9IRGZmieiBasejOG9yDCRNgd2ymoZIbjsxbJMjIs3kioVih",
        "total_count": 5000
      "item_status": "active",
      "metadata": {
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            "$id": "01234500-12f1-1234-aa12-b1d234cb567e",
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      "modified_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
      "modified_by": {
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        "type": "user",
        "login": "",
        "name": "Aaron Levie"
      "name": "Contracts",
      "owned_by": {
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        "login": "",
        "name": "Aaron Levie"
      "parent": {
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        "sequence_id": "3"
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            "name": "Contracts",
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      "purged_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
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        "unshared_at": "2018-04-13T13:53:23-07:00",
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      "size": 629644,
      "sync_state": "synced",
      "tags": [
      "trashed_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
      "watermark_info": {
        "is_watermarked": true