Box Developer Documentation

    Box Sign template

    This resource is used by enpoints in the version 2024.0. For more details, see Box API versioning.

    A Box Sign template object


    Template identifier.


    object type

    Value is always sign-template

    Additional information on which fields are required and which fields are not editable.


    Non editable fields.

    Required fields.

    array array

    Required signer fields.

    string array

    Indicates if the template email settings are editable or not.


    Indicates if the template input fields are editable or not.


    Indicates if the template files are editable or not. This includes deleting or renaming template files.


    Indicates if the template document options are editable or not, for example renaming the document.


    Indicates if the template signers are editable or not.

    Custom branding applied to notifications and signature requests.


    Custom branding color in hex.

    Corporation inc.

    Name of the company


    Custom branding logo URI in the form of a base64 image.


    Set the number of days after which the created signature request will automatically expire if not completed. By default, we do not apply any expiration date on signature requests, and the signature request does not expire.

    Hello! Please sign the document below

    Message to include in signature request email. The field is cleaned through sanitization of specific characters. However, some html tags are allowed. Links included in the message are also converted to hyperlinks in the email. The message may contain the following html tags including a, abbr, acronym, b, blockquote, code, em, i, ul, li, ol, and strong. Be aware that when the text to html ratio is too high, the email may end up in spam filters. Custom styles on these tags are not allowed. If this field is not passed, a default message will be used.

    Sign Request from Acme

    Subject of signature request email. This is cleaned by sign request. If this field is not passed, a default subject will be used.

    Official contract

    The name of the template.

    The destination folder to place final, signed document and signing log. Only ID and type fields are required. The root folder, folder ID 0, cannot be used.

    object array

    Array of signers for the template.

    Note: It may happen that some signers specified in the template belong to conflicting segments (user groups). This means that due to the security policies, users are assigned to segments to prevent exchanges or communication that could lead to ethical conflicts. In such a case, an attempt to send a sign request based on a template that lists signers in conflicting segments will result in an error.

    Read more about segments and ethical walls.

    Email address of the signer

    object array

    Type of input

    Value is one of signature,date,text,checkbox,attachment,radio,dropdown


    Checkbox prefill value


    Content type of input

    Value is one of signature,initial,stamp,date,checkbox,text,full_name,first_name,last_name,company,title,email,attachment,radio,dropdown

    Where the input is located on a page.


    Relative x coordinate to the page the input is on, ranging from 0 to 1.


    Relative y coordinate to the page the input is on, ranging from 0 to 1.

    string (date)

    Date prefill value

    The size of the input.


    Relative height to the page the input is on, ranging from 0 to 1.


    Relative width to the page the input is on, ranging from 0 to 1.


    Document identifier.


    This references the ID of a specific tag contained in a file of the signature request.


    When the input is of the type dropdown this values will be filled with all the dropdown options.


    When the input is of type radio they can be grouped to gather with this identifier.


    Whether or not the input is required.

    Legal name

    The label field is used especially for text, attachment, radio, and checkbox type inputs.


    Index of page that the input is on.


    Whether this input was defined as read-only(immutable by signers) or not


    Text prefill value


    Used in combination with an embed URL for a sender. After the sender signs, they will be redirected to the next in_person signer.

    Jane Doe

    A placeholder label for the signer set by the template creator to differentiate between signers.


    Order of the signer


    An identifier for the signer. This can be used to identify a signer within the template.


    Defines the role of the signer in the signature request. A role of signer needs to sign the document, a role approver approves the document and a final_copy_reader role only receives the final signed document and signing log.

    Value is one of signer,approver,final_copy_reader


    If provided, this value points signers that are assigned the same inputs and belongs to same signer group. A signer group is not a Box Group. It is an entity that belongs to the template itself and can only be used within Box Sign requests created from it.

    List of files to create a signing document from. Only the ID and type fields are required for each file.

    Response Example

      "id": "4206996024-14944f75-c34b-478a-95a1-264b1ff80d35",
      "type": "sign-template",
      "additional_info": {
        "non_editable": [
        "required": {
          "signers": [
      "are_email_settings_locked": true,
      "are_fields_locked": false,
      "are_files_locked": true,
      "are_options_locked": true,
      "are_recipients_locked": false,
      "custom_branding": {
        "branding_color": "9E5E6F",
        "company_name": "Corporation inc.",
        "email_footer_text": "Contact email",
        "logo_uri": "\nAAEAAAABCAQAAAC1HAwCAAAAC0lEQVR42mNk+A\n8AAQUBAScY42YAAAAASUVORK5CYII="
      "days_valid": 2,
      "email_message": "Hello! Please sign the document below",
      "email_subject": "Sign Request from Acme",
      "name": "Official contract",
      "parent_folder": {
        "id": "12345",
        "type": "folder",
        "etag": "1",
        "name": "Contracts",
        "sequence_id": "3"
      "ready_sign_link": {
        "folder_id": "12345",
        "instructions": "Hello! Please sign the document below",
        "is_active": false,
        "is_notification_disabled": true,
        "name": "Official contract",
        "url": "\"\nready-sign-link/a1cdf2c7-fa81-4a67-8163-1e5f4dbe5178\""
      "signers": [
          "email": "",
          "inputs": [
              "checkbox_value": true,
              "date_value": "2021-04-26",
              "document_tag_id": "1234",
              "text_value": "text",
              "content_type": "text",
              "coordinates": {
                "x": 0.672258592471358,
                "y": 0.18654283173599448
              "dimensions": {
                "height": 0.05311728090109673,
                "width": 0.2618657937806874
              "document_id": "123075213-eb54b537-8b25-445e-87c1-5a1c67d8cbd7",
              "dropdown_choices": [
              "group_id": "da317330-225a-4c72-89ad-0d6dcaaf4df6",
              "is_required": true,
              "label": "Legal name",
              "page_index": 4,
              "read_only": true,
              "type": "text"
          "is_in_person": true,
          "label": "Jane Doe",
          "order": 2,
          "public_id": "RJZYYVPR",
          "role": "signer",
          "signer_group_id": "cd4ff89-8fc1-42cf-8b29-1890dedd26d7"
      "source_files": [
          "etag": "1",
          "id": "12345",
          "type": "file",
          "file_version": {
            "id": "12345",
            "type": "file_version",
            "sha1": "134b65991ed521fcfe4724b7d814ab8ded5185dc"
          "name": "Contract.pdf",
          "sequence_id": "3",
          "sha1": "85136C79CBF9FE36BB9D05D0639C70C265C18D37"