Supported AI models

Guides Box AI Supported AI models
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Supported AI models

Box AI API is currently in beta which means the available capabilities may change. Box AI API is available to all Enterprise Plus customers.

The table lists the supported AI models you can use to:

When using model parameter your API calls, use the API Name listed in the table. For example, to get the AI agent configuration for a specific model, use the model parameter and provide the openai__gpt_3_5_turbo_16k API name. Make sure you use two underscores after the provider name.

The list may change depending on the model availability. Preview means you can use the model, but the access to all its features may be limited.

ProviderFamilyAvailabilityAPI NameExternal documentationCapability
Microsoft AzureGPTavailableazure__openai__gpt_3_5_turbo_16kAzure OpenAI GPT-3.5 model documentationChat
Microsoft AzureGPTavailableazure__openai__text_embedding_ada_002Azure OpenAI embeddings models documentationEmbeddings
GCP VertexGeckoavailablegoogle__textembedding_geckoGoogle Vertex AI embeddings models documentationEmbeddings
GCP VertexGeckoavailablegoogle__textembedding_gecko_002Google Vertex AI embeddings model documentationEmbeddings
GCP VertexGeckoavailablegoogle__textembedding_gecko_003Google Vertex AI embeddings model documentationEmbeddings
GCP VertexGeminipreviewgoogle__gemini_1_5_pro_001Google Vertex AI Gemini models documentationChat
GCP VertexGeminipreviewgoogle__gemini_1_5_flash_001Google Vertex AI Gemini models documentationChat
GCP VertexPaLMavailablegoogle__text_unicornGoogle PaLM 2 for Text model documentationChat
GCP VertexPaLMavailablegoogle__text_bisonGoogle PaLM 2 for Text model documentationChat
GCP VertexPaLMavailablegoogle__text_bison_32kGoogle PaLM 2 for Text model documentationChat
OpenAIGPTavailable in Beta onlyopenai__gpt_3_5_turbo_16kOpenAI GPT-3.5 model documentationChat
OpenAIGPTavailable in Beta onlyopenai__gpt_4_1106_previewOpenAI GPT-4 models documentationChat
OpenAIGPTavailable in Beta onlyopenai__gpt_4_turbo_previewOpenAI GPT-4 models documentationChat
OpenAIGPTavailable in Beta onlyopenai__gpt_4o_2024_05_13OpenAI GPT-4 models documentationChat
OpenAIGPTavailable in Beta onlyopenai__text_embedding_ada_002Azure OpenAI embeddings models documentationEmbeddings