Content Explorer

Content Explorer

The Box Content Explorer UI Element allows developers to embed a folder view of content stored on Box in their desktop or mobile web application. The library fetches information about a specified folder through the Box API and then renders the content in a folder view, similar to the main Box web application. Users can then navigate through the folder hierarchy and perform file operations like rename, delete, and share.

Content Explorer comes with a metadata view that uses metadata query to find files and folders based on their metadata. The data is then displayed in the embedded view.


Learn how to install Box UI elements either through NPM or the Box CDN.


The UI Elements are designed in an authentication agnostic way so whether you are using UI Elements for users who have Box accounts (Managed Users) or non-Box accounts (App Users), UI Elements should work out of the box. The reason for this is that UI Elements only expect a "token" to be passed in for authentication, and Box provides two different ways to generate tokens - OAuth and JWT.

Learn about selecting an authentication method

Sample HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en-US">
        <meta charset="utf-8" />
        <title>Box Content Explorer Demo</title>

        <!-- Latest version of the explorer css for your locale -->
            href="{VERSION}/en-US/explorer.css" />
        <div class="container" style="height:600px"></div>
        <!-- Latest version of the explorer js for your locale -->
        <script src="{VERSION}/en-US/explorer.js"></script>
            var folderId = "123";
            var accessToken = "abc";
            var contentExplorer = new Box.ContentExplorer();
  , accessToken, {
                container: ".container",



const { ContentExplorer } = Box;
const contentExplorer = new ContentExplorer();

 * Shows the content explorer.
 * @param {string} folderId - The root folder id
 * @param {string} accessToken - Box API access token
 * @param {Object} [options] - Options
 * @return {void}
 */, accessToken, options);

 * Hides the content explorer, removes all event listeners, and clears out the
 * HTML.
 * @return {void}

 * Clears out the internal in-memory
 * cache for the content explorer forcing
 * re-load of items via the API.
 * @public
 * @return {void}

 * Adds an event listener to the content explorer. Listeners should be added
 * before calling show() so no events are missed.
 * @param {string} eventName - Name of the event
 * @param {Function} listener - Callback function
 * @return {void}
contentExplorer.addListener(eventName, listener);

 * Removes an event listener from the content explorer.
 * @param {string} eventName - Name of the event
 * @param {Function} listener - Callback function
 * @return {void}
contentExplorer.removeListener(eventName, listener);

 * Removes all event listeners from the content explorer.
 * @return {void}


folderIdStringBox Folder ID. This will be the ID of the folder you want to navigate. If you want to use the Box All Files folder, then use 0 as the folderId.
accessTokenStringBox API access token to use. This should have read/write access to the folder above. The value passed in for the token is assumed to never expire while the explorer is visible.
optionsObjectOptional options. See below for details. For example:, TOKEN, {canDelete: false}) would be used to hide the delete option.


containerStringdocument.bodyCSS selector of the container in which the content explorer should be placed. Calling hide() will clear out this container.
sortByStringnameThe initial sort by option for the content list. Value can be either id, name, date or size.
sortDirectionStringASCThe initial sort direction option for the content list. Value should be either ASC or DESC.
logoUrlStringURL of custom logo to show in header. If this value is the string box then the box logo will show.
canPreviewBooleantrueIf this option is set to true AND can_preview permission on the file is true, files on the content explorer will be clickable. Clicking on a file will launch preview of that file. This option has no effect when the file permission can_preview is set to false. This is only applicable to files that can be previewed.
canDownloadBooleantrueVisually hides the download option if this is set to false. Hiding the option alone will not prevent downloading unless the file permissions also set can_download to false. This option has no effect when the file permission can_download is set to false. This is only applicable to files.
canDeleteBooleantrueVisually hides the delete option if this is set to false. Hiding the option alone will not prevent deleting unless the item permissions also set can_delete to false. This option has no effect when the item permission can_delete is set to false.
canRenameBooleantrueVisually hides the rename option if this is set to false. Hiding the option alone will not prevent renaming unless the item permissions also set can_rename to false.
canUploadBooleantrueVisually hides the upload option if this is set to false. Hiding the option alone will not prevent uploading unless the current folder permissions also set can_upload to false. This option has no effect when the folder permission can_upload is set to false.
canCreateNewFolderBooleantrueVisually hides the create new folder option. Hiding the option alone will not prevent creating a new folder unless the folder item permissions also set can_upload to false. This option has no effect when the folder item permission can_upload is set to false.
canShareBooleantrueVisually hides the share button if set to false. Hiding the button alone will not prevent sharing unless the item permissions also set can_share to false. This option has no effect when the item permission can_share is set to false.
canSetShareAccessBooleantrueVisually hides the sharing drop down select that allows changing share access, if set to false. Hiding the select drop down alone will not prevent changing the share access unless the item permissions also set can_set_share_access to false. This option has no effect when the item permission can_set_share_access is set to false.
sharedLinkStringShared link URL, required if folder is shared and the access token doesn't belong to an owner or collaborator of the file.
sharedLinkPasswordStringShared link password, required if shared link has a password.
sizeStringundefinedIndicates to the content explorer to fit within a small or large width container. Value can be absent or one of small or large. If absent the UI Element will adapt to its container and automatically switch between small width or large width mode.
isTouchBooleanDefaults to the browser and device's default touch supportIndicates to the Content Explorer that it's is being rendered on a touch enabled device.
autoFocusBooleanfalseWhen set to true, the item grid will get focus on initial load.
defaultViewStringfilesValue can be either be files, recents or metadata. When set to recents, by default you will see recent items instead of the regular file/folder structure. metadata is required to display the metadata view in Content Explorer. If not provided, you'll get a regular folder view.
requestInterceptorFunctionFunction to intercept requests. For an example see this CodePen. Our underlying XHR library is axios.js and we follow a similar approach for interceptors.
responseInterceptorFunctionFunction to intercept responses. For an example see this CodePen. Our underlying XHR library is axios.js and we follow a similar approach for interceptors.
ContentOpenWithPropsObject{ show: false }Allows you to show the Open With Element when previewing via the explorer.
tokenStringDeveloper token generated in the Developer Console.
metadataQueryObjectMetadata query used to get the information for the metadata view.
rootFolderIDStringFolder ID with a metadata template applied. metadataQuery will apply to this folder.
fieldsToShowObjectThe metadata fields/columns to view - must be valid field names from the metadata template.


Event NameEvent DataDescription
selectArray<File | Web Link | Folder>Will be fired when item rows are selected.
renameFile | Web Link | FolderWill be fired when an item is renamed.
previewFileWill be fired when a file is previewed.
downloadArray<File>Will be fired when items are downloaded.
deleteArray<File>Will be fired when items are deleted.
uploadArray<File>Will be fired when items are uploaded.
navigateFolderWill be fired when navigating into folders.
createFolderWill be fired when a new folder is created

Keyboard Shortcuts

When the item grid has focus, either manually by clicking on it or programmatically via javascript or via the above mentioned autoFocus prop, the following keyboard shortcuts will work if their corresponding operations are applicable and allowed.

Arrow UpPrevious item row
Arrow DownNext item row
Ctrl/Cmd + Arrow UpFirst item row
Ctrl/Cmd + Arrow DownLast item row
Shift + XSelect an item row
DeleteDelete the selected item
EnterOpen the selected item
Shift + RRename the selected item
Shift + SShare the selected item
Shift + DDownload the selected item
g then fNavigates to the root folder
g then uUpload to the current folder
g then bFocuses the root folder breadcrumb
g then rRecent items


If your application requires the end user to only be able to access a subset of the Content Explorer functionality, you can use Downscoping to appropriately downscope the Access Token to a resulting token that has the desired set of permissions, and can thus, be securely passed to the end user client initializing the Content Explorer.

Below are a set of UI Element-specific scopes to go alongside Downscoping. These allow developers to enable/disable UI controls on the Content Explorer by configuring the appropriate scopes on the downscoped token. To learn more, see Dedicated Scopes for Box UI Elements.

Base Scope

Scope NamePermissions granted
base_explorerAllows access to content in the folder tree based on user/file/token permissions.

Feature Scopes

Scope NamePermissions granted
item_previewAutomatically enables preview of the file, upon user click (requires Preview UI Element to be referenced)
item_downloadAllows files/folders contents to be downloaded
item_renameAllows files/folders to be renamed
item_shareAllows sharing of resource specified under "resource" of the downscope request.
item_deleteAllows file/folders to be deleted

Sample Scenarios

User want to navigate folder structure (basic functionality)base_explorer
User want basic functionality + previewbase_explorer + item_preview
User want basic functionality + preview + downloadbase_explorer + item_preview + item_download
User want basic functionality + preview + download + rename file/folder namesbase_explorer + item_preview + item_download + item_rename
User wants all functionality (basic, preview, download, rename, share, upload and delete)base_explorer + item_preview + item_download + item_rename + item_delete + item_share + item_upload

Metadata view

With Content Explorer you can also display files and folders based on their metadata. This view is called the metadata view and uses metadata template and metadata query to find the data you want to display.

Create and configure an app

  1. Create a Box app.
  2. Add the local development address in the CORS Domains: CORS Domains
  3. Generate a developer token.

Create a metadata template

The next step is to create a metadata template you will use to populate the Content Explorer.

  1. Create a metadata template. You can use Metadata API or Admin Console to do so.
  2. Apply an already created template to a Box folder. Make sure you enable the cascade policy. For detailed instructions, see instructions on customizing and applying templates.

Display metadata view

To make things easier, you can use a sample project to launch metadata view.

  1. Clone the metadata sample project.

  2. Update the placeholders in App.js with actual values:

    DEVELOPER_TOKENDeveloper token generated in the the Developer Console.
    ENTERPRISE_IDEnterprise ID copied from the General Settings tab of your application.
    METADATA_TEMPLATE_NAMEName of your already created metadata template. Note: To make sure you provided the proper name, use the metadata API to retrieve the name, or copy it from the URL in the Admin Console. Metadata name in Admin Console If you decide to change the template name in the UI, you change the label only. The name to use in the component is always the you provided at the beginning.
    ROOTFOLDER_IDID of Box folder to which you applied the metadata template.

The defaultView, fieldsToShow, and metadataQuery parameters are already defined in the sample project, as in the example below.

For additional information on metadata queries, see this guide.

  1. Pass the required parameters to the Content Explorer component.

      function App() {
          return (
              <IntlProvider locale="en">
                <div className="App">
                  <header className="App-header">
                    <h2>Metadata view in Content Explorer</h2>
                    <div className="metadata-based-view">
      export default App;

A sample code for a React component including the Content Explorer metadata view would look as follows:

function App() {
    // Get the token from Developer Console (app's configuration tab)
    const token = "<DEVELOPER_TOKEN>";

    // Folder ID with a metadata template applied
    // The metadataQuery will apply to this folder
    const rootFolderID = "<ROOTFOLDER_ID>";

    // Get ENTERPRISE_ID from Developer Console (app's general settings)
    const EID = "<ENTERPRISE_ID>";

    // Get templatekey from Admin Console (Content -> Metadata -> check url for ID)
    const templateName = "<METADATA_TEMPLATE_NAME>";

    // Define metadata source
    // Example: enterprise_123456789.metadatatemplate
    const metadataSource = `enterprise_${EID}.${templateName}`;
    const metadataSourceFieldName = `metadata.${metadataSource}`;
    const metadataQuery = {
        from: metadataSource,

        // Filter items in the folder by existing metadata key
        query: "key = :arg1",

        // Display items with value
        query_params: { arg1: "value" },

        // Define the ancestor folder ID
        ancestor_folder_id: 0,

        // Define which other metadata fields you'd like to display
        fields: [

    // The metadata fields/columns to view - must be valid field names from the metadata template
    const fieldsToShow = [
        // Determine if the user can edit the metadata directly from Content Explorer component
        { key: `${metadataSourceFieldName}.name`, canEdit: false },

        // Determine label alias on metadata column with displayName prop
        { key: `${metadataSourceFieldName}.industry`, canEdit: false, displayName: "alias" },
        { key: `${metadataSourceFieldName}.last_contacted_at`, canEdit: true },
        { key: `${metadataSourceFieldName}.role`, canEdit: true },

    // defaultView - a required prop to paint the metadata view.
    // If not provided, you'll get regular folder view.
    const defaultView = "metadata";

    return (
        <IntlProvider locale="en">
            <div className="App">
                <header className="App-header">
                    <h2>Metadata view in Content Explorer</h2>
                    <div className="metadata-based-view">

export default App;

TIP: For a detailed flow, see Metadata view blog post.