Box Developer Documentation

    Get metadata on item

    Get metadata on item

    Information about an instance of a metadata template assigned to a file or folder can be retrieved using the item's id, and the template's templateKey and scope.

    Metadata scopes can be either global for templates available to all enterprises, enterprise for templates available to the current enterprise, or the enterprise_:id for templates belonging to an enterprise whose ID is the :id value in the scope name.

    Get metadata instance on file

    To get an instance of a metadata template on a file, call the GET /files/:file_id/metadata/:scope/:templateKey API endpoint with the file's file_id and the template's scope and templateKey.

    curl -i -X GET "" \
         -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

    To get the scope and templateKey for a template, either list all metadata templates, or list all instances on an file.

    Get metadata instance on folder

    To get an instance of a metadata template on a folder, call the GET /folders/:folder_id/metadata/:scope/:templateKey API endpoint with the folder's folder_id and the template's scope and templateKey.

    curl -i -X GET "" \
         -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>"

    To get the scope and templateKey for a template, either list all metadata templates, or list all instances on an folder.