Box Developer Documentation

    Change task assignment state

    Guides Tasks Assigning tasks Change task assignment state
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    Change task assignment state

    To update a task assignment's state call the PUT /tasks/:task_id/assignments API and include a resolution_state, such as completed, incomplete, approved, or rejected.

    curl -i -X PUT "" \
         -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
         -H "content-type: application/json" \
         -d '{
           "message": "New message",
           "resolution_state": "completed"

    Resolution states

    Box currently supports two types of tasks defined by the action value: review tasks and complete tasks.

    The type of task determines the possible resolution states a task can be in and the interface shown to a user in the web and mobile apps.

    Task actionPossible resolution states
    reviewincomplete, approved, rejected
    completeincomplete, complete

    A review task starts out in an incomplete state and can be marked as incomplete, approved, or rejected. In the user interface a user is provided with a text box and an pair of buttons to approve or reject the task.

    A complete task starts out in an incomplete state and can be marked incomplete or completed. Once a this task is marked completed, no further changes can be made to the task's state. In the user interface a user is provided with a text box and an button to mark the task as completed.