Box Developer Documentation
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Update task


This endpoint is in the version 2024.0. No changes are required to continue using it. For more details, see Box API versioning.

Updates a task. This can be used to update a task's configuration, or to update its completion state.



Path Parameters

stringin pathrequired

The ID of the task.

Request Body

stringin bodyoptional

The action the task assignee will be prompted to do. Must be

  • review defines an approval task that can be approved or rejected
  • complete defines a general task which can be completed

Value is one of review,complete

stringin bodyoptional

Defines which assignees need to complete this task before the task is considered completed.

  • all_assignees (default) requires all assignees to review or approve the the task in order for it to be considered completed.
  • any_assignee accepts any one assignee to review or approve the the task in order for it to be considered completed.

Value is one of all_assignees,any_assignee

string (date-time)in bodyoptional

When the task is due at.

stringin bodyoptional
"Please review"

The message included with the task.



Returns the updated task object

application/jsonClient error

Returned if the request parameters or body is not valid.

  • bad_request when the body does not contain a valid request. This may be because the action or completion_rule are not one of the allowed values.
application/jsonClient error

Returns an error when the user does not have the permission to update a task on the file.

application/jsonClient error

Returns an error when the file could not be found or the user does not have access to the file.

application/jsonClient error

An unexpected client error.

Update task
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Request Example

curl -i -X PUT "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -H "content-type: application/json" \
     -d '{
       "action": "review"

Response Example

  "id": "11446498",
  "type": "task",
  "action": "review",
  "completion_rule": "all_assignees",
  "created_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
  "created_by": {
    "id": "11446498",
    "type": "user",
    "login": "",
    "name": "Aaron Levie"
  "due_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
  "is_completed": true,
  "item": {
    "id": "12345",
    "type": "file",
    "etag": "1",
    "file_version": {
      "id": "12345",
      "type": "file_version",
      "sha1": "134b65991ed521fcfe4724b7d814ab8ded5185dc"
    "name": "Contract.pdf",
    "sequence_id": "3",
    "sha1": "85136C79CBF9FE36BB9D05D0639C70C265C18D37"
  "message": "Legal review",
  "task_assignment_collection": {
    "entries": [
        "assigned_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
        "assigned_by": {
          "id": "11446498",
          "type": "user",
          "login": "",
          "name": "Aaron Levie"
        "assigned_to": {
          "id": "11446498",
          "type": "user",
          "login": "",
          "name": "Aaron Levie"
        "completed_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
        "id": "11446498",
        "item": {
          "etag": "1",
          "id": "12345",
          "type": "file",
          "file_version": {
            "id": "12345",
            "type": "file_version",
            "sha1": "134b65991ed521fcfe4724b7d814ab8ded5185dc"
          "name": "Contract.pdf",
          "sequence_id": "3",
          "sha1": "85136C79CBF9FE36BB9D05D0639C70C265C18D37"
        "message": "Please review",
        "reminded_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
        "resolution_state": "incomplete",
        "type": "task_assignment"
    "total_count": 100