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Add shared link to web link


Adds a shared link to a web link.



Path Parameters

Query Parameters

stringin queryrequired

Explicitly request the shared_link fields to be returned for this item.

Request Body


application/jsonWeb link

Returns the base representation of a web link with a new shared link attached.

application/jsonClient error

Returned when there is an incorrect permission combination

application/jsonClient error

Returned when the access token provided in the Authorization header is not recognized or not provided.

application/jsonClient error

Returned if the user does not have all the permissions to complete the update.

application/jsonClient error

Returned if the file is not found, or the user does not have access to the file.

application/jsonClient error

Returned if the file_id is not in a recognized format.

application/jsonClient error

Returns an error when the If-Match header does not match the current etag value of the file. This indicates that the file has changed since it was last requested.

application/jsonClient error

An unexpected client error.

Add shared link to web link
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Request Example

curl -i -X PUT "" \
     -H "authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>" \
     -d '{
       "shared_link": {
         "access": "open",
         "password": "mypassword",
         "unshared_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
         "permissions": {
           "can_download": false
string webLinkId = "11111";
var sharedLinkParams = new BoxSharedLinkRequest()
    Access =
BoxWebLink link = client.WebLinksManager
    .CreateSharedLinkAsync(webLinkId, sharedLinkParams);
string sharedLinkUrl = link.SharedLink.Url;
url = client.web_link('12345').get_shared_link(access='open')
print(f'The web link shared link URL is: {url}')
client.webLinks.setSharedLink(forWebLink: "11111", access: .open) { (result: Result<SharedLink, BoxSDKError>) in
    guard case let .success(sharedLink) = result else {
        print("Error setting weblink shared link")

    print("WebLink shared link URL is \(sharedLink.url), with \(sharedLink.access) access")

Response Example

  "id": "12345",
  "type": "web_link",
  "etag": "1",
  "shared_link": {
    "url": "",
    "download_url": "",
    "vanity_url": null,
    "vanity_name": null,
    "effective_access": "open",
    "effective_permission": "can_download",
    "is_password_enabled": false,
    "unshared_at": "2020-09-21T10:34:41-07:00",
    "download_count": 0,
    "preview_count": 0,
    "access": "open",
    "permissions": {
      "can_preview": true,
      "can_download": true,
      "can_edit": false