Box Developer Documentation

    Retention policy assignment

    This resource is used by enpoints in the version 2024.0. For more details, see Box API versioning.

    A retention assignment represents a rule specifying the files a retention policy retains. Assignments can retain files based on their folder or metadata, or hold all files in the enterprise.


    The unique identifier for a retention policy assignment.



    Value is always retention_policy_assignment

    string (date-time)

    When the retention policy assignment object was created.

    A mini user object representing the user that created the retention policy assignment.

    The type and id of the content that is under retention. The type can either be folder enterprise, or metadata_template.


    The ID of the folder, enterprise, or metadata template the policy is assigned to. Set to null or omit when type is set to enterprise.


    The type of resource the policy is assigned to.

    Value is one of folder,enterprise,metadata_template

    object array

    An array of field objects. Values are only returned if the assigned_to type is metadata_template. Otherwise, the array is blank.


    The metadata attribute key id.


    The metadata attribute field id. For value, only enum and multiselect types are supported.

    A mini representation of a retention policy object that has been assigned to the content.


    The date the retention policy assignment begins. If the assigned_to type is metadata_template, this field can be a date field's metadata attribute key id.

    Response Example

      "id": "11446498",
      "type": "retention_policy_assignment",
      "assigned_at": "2012-12-12T10:53:43-08:00",
      "assigned_by": {
        "id": "11446498",
        "type": "user",
        "login": "",
        "name": "Aaron Levie"
      "assigned_to": {
        "id": "a983f69f-e85f-4ph4-9f46-4afdf9c1af65",
        "type": "metadata_template"
      "filter_fields": [
          "field": "a0f4ee4e-1dc1-4h90-a8a9-aef55fc681d4",
          "value": "0c27b756-0p87-4fe0-a43a-59fb661ccc4e"
      "retention_policy": {
        "id": "12345",
        "type": "retention_policy",
        "disposition_action": "permanently_delete",
        "policy_name": "Some Policy Name",
        "retention_length": "365"
      "start_date_field": "upload_date"