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Next steps

Next steps

You've reached the end of this Quick Start guide. By now you should have taken the following steps.

  1. Created a new iOS app in Xcode.
  2. Installed the iOS SDK into your project.
  3. Configured a Box App so that the iOS SDK can access the Box API.
  4. Made your first API call to the Box API with the iOS SDK.

Next things to do

To take the next step with your application, the following resources are recommended.

  • Token Downscoping: In this quick start guide you used a developer token to make your first call. To implement a scalable solution you should have a server-side solution to generate downscoped tokens to replace that implementation.
  • Official JWT sample application: Bundled with the iOS SDK, this sample application will get you started quickly with a properly structured Box JWT application, which doesn't require user login.
  • Official OAuth 2 sample application: Bundled with the iOS SDK, this sample application will get you started quickly with a properly structured Box OAuth 2 application, which requires user login.