Box Developer Documentation

    As-User Header

    As-User Header

    It is possible to for an OAuth 2.0 application to act on behalf of another user through the as-user header.

    curl \
        -H "as-user: [USER_ID]"
        -H "authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]"

    In this situation the user ID is the Box identifier for a user. User IDs can be found for any user via the GET /users endpoint, which is only available to admins, or by calling the GET /users/me endpoint with an authenticated user session.


    Using the as-user header has a few requirements. Firstly, the application needs to be configured to perform actions as users in the Developer Console.

    Advanced Features

    Additionally, the authenticated user needs to be a user with admin permissions, meaning either an admin, co-admin, or service account. Co-admin users will also need the 'Manage Users' permission scope. See our guide on User Types for more details.

    as-user using SDKs

    var user_client = new BoxClient(config, session, asUser: '[USER_ID]');

    Please note that some of our SDKs create new clients for the other user, while others modify the existing client and provide a way to return to a state where the client authenticates for the original user itself.