Box Developer Documentation

OAuth 2.0 with SDKs

OAuth 2.0 with SDKs

The Box SDKs have built-in support for client-side OAuth 2.0.

In the process a user is redirected to the Box web app in a browser where they log in and authorize the application access to their data before they are redirected back to the applications redirect_url. This last step requires the application to be running on a web server somewhere accessible to the user.


To complete an OAuth 2.0 flow the following steps need to be completed.

  1. Configure the Box SDK
  2. Redirect the user to the Box website
  3. The user grants the application access
  4. Exchange the authorization code for an access token

At the end of this flow, the application has an Access Token that can be used to make API calls on behalf of this user.

The access token acquired through OAuth 2.0 is inherently tied to the user who authorized the application. Any API call made with this token will seem to come from this application, and the user needs to have access to any file or folder the application tries to access with this token.


CLIENT_IDThe client ID or API key for the application
CLIENT_SECRETThe client secret or API secret for the application
REDIRECT_URIThe redirect URL for your application that a user will be sent to after they have authorized the application. This can be configured in the developer console

1. Configure SDK

The first step is to make sure your environment has been prepared with the SDK of your choice.

var redirectUrl = "[REDIRECT_URI]";
var config = new BoxConfig("[CLIENT_ID]", "[CLIENT_SECRET]", new Uri(redirectUrl));
var sdk = new BoxClient(config);

Learn more about installing an SDK for your environment

2. Redirect user

Next, redirect the user to the authorization URL. Most of the SDKs support a way to get the authorization URL for an SDK client.

If you configured multiple redirect URIs for the application, the authorization URL must include the redirect_uri parameter matching one of the URIs configured in the developer console. If the parameter is not specified, the user will see a redirect_uri_missing error and will not be redirected back to the app after granting application access.

var authorizationUrl = "[CLIENT_ID]&response_type=code";
// redirectTo(authorizationUrl);

The way in which a user is redirected to a URL depends on the application framework used. Most framework documentation provides extensive guidance on this topic.

The authorization URL can also be created manually as follows.[CLIENT_ID]&redirect_uri=[REDIRECT_URI]&response_type=code

Additional query parameters can be passed along when redirecting the user to limit down the scope, or pass along some extra state. See the reference documentation for more information.

If you have Box Verified Enterprise for your Box instance turned on, you may encounter an issue using the standard base URL. Instead, use in place of

3. User grants application access

Once the user is redirected to the Box web app they will have to log in. After they logged in they are presented with a screen to approve your application.

Example OAuth 2.0 approval screen

When the user accepts this requests and clicks the button, the browser will redirect to your application's redirect URL as configured in the developer console.

4. Exchange code

The user is redirected to your application's redirect URL with a query parameter containing a short-lived authorization code.

This code is not an Access Token and is only valid for a few seconds. The SDKs can be used to exchange the code for an actual Access Token.

var session = await sdk.Auth.AuthenticateAsync("[CODE]");
var client = new BoxClient(config, session);

At the end of this flow, the application has an Access Token that can be used to make API calls on behalf of this user.

Using SDKs and OAuth 2.0

To learn more about OAuth 2.0 authentication for each SDK head over to: