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    Box CLI with JWT Authentication

    Guides CLI CLI guides Box CLI with JWT Authentication
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    Box CLI with JWT Authentication

    Previously, our Box CLI Quick Start Guide, followed the JWT or server authentication application setup flow. Since we released a new OAuth 2.0 version of the Box CLI, we updated it to use the new feature. We migrated the original JWT setup instructions here, in case you would still like to use the server authentication application type.

    Setup a JWT application

    The first step to using the CLI with server authentication is creating a Box application in the Developer Console, which the CLI can use behind the scenes to make API calls. If you would like to associate your CLI with an existing JWT application you can skip this step. However, you will want to ensure that, at a minimum, the following scopes are set in the Configuration tab of your application:

    • Read all files and folders stored in Box
    • Write all files and folders stored in Box
    1. From the left-hand navigation panel on your All Files page, open the Developer Console. If this is your first time using the Box API and this option is not already available, you can add it to your account by clicking here.

    2. Click Create Platform App > Platform App > Server Authentication (with JWT) > name the application > Create App

    Server Authentication (with JWT) always requires Admin authorization before use.

    Configure the application

    This will bring you to the application’s configuration page where you need to choose its access and permissions. Again, keep in mind that because of the application’s authentication type, it will require Admin approval.

    At a minimum, you will need the following scopes:

    • Read all files and folders stored in Box
    • Write all files and folders stored in Box

    You can choose either App Access Only or App + Enterprise Access as the application access.

    Authorize the application

    All applications leveraging Server Authentication must be authorized in the Admin Console before making successful API calls. This is because all JWT applications have a Service Account, which, based on the applications scopes, may be able to perform Admin actions.

    Steps for developers and Admins can be found in our authorization guide.

    If you would like more information on how scopes, application access, tokens, and permissions work together, please see our article on understanding Box's security mechanisms.

    If configuration changes are made to this application, it will need to be reauthorized in order for the changes to take effect.

    You will know when an application is ready for use by visiting its Authorization tab in the Developer Console. The state and status must be enabled and authorized.

    App Authorized

    Download Required Data

    The CLI needs a configuration file stored locally in order to make API calls.

    To download the configuration file, visit the Configuration tab in the Developer Console. Click Generate a Public/Private Keypair, which will send you through 2FA verification before automatically downloading the configuration file for your application. For more information see our guide.

    For security reasons 2FA must be enabled on your Box account to successfully generate a public/private keypair.

    Locate the downloaded file on your machine which has a default name in the format: EnterpriseID_publicKeyID_config.json. You may leave this name or choose to rename it. This guide assumes the file is renamed to config.json.

    It is critical you place the file in a location where it will not be inadvertently deleted or moved. If this occurs you will need to repeat the step 2 to reconfigure the CLI.

    CLI Installation and Configuration

    Installers are available for Windows and macOS. However, the raw source-code is available if you would like to build the CLI in other environments.

    Windows & macOS Installers

    To install the latest CLI on your machine, download the latest .exe for Windows or .pkg for macOS for the latest release.

    Download the latest CLI installer

    Linux & Node install

    Additionally, the CLI can be installed as a Node package on any platform, including Linux. For this to work you will need to have Node JS installed on your machine.

    npm install --global @box/cli

    Source Code

    The source code for the CLI is available via GitHub.

    Run configuration command

    You will now need to configure the CLI to point to to the configuration file downloaded in step 1.

    CLI Configuration Diagram

    Open your terminal or command line and execute the command: box configure:environments:add PathToConfigFileHere, replacing PathToConfigHere with the path to your config.json file.

    For example: box configure:environments:add /Users/ExampleUser/Documents/CLI/config.json

    You can drag the csv file from the Finder/File Explorer to the terminal/command line window to auto-populate the path.

    Confirm configuration

    To confirm successful configuration, use the command box users:get.

    A successful response will provide details about the Service Account user associated with your Access Token:

    Type: user
    ID: ''0123456789''
    Name: Box CLI - Quickstart Example
    Created At: '2020-01-01T09:45:01-07:00'
    Modified At: '2021-03-01T09:30:05-07:00'
    Language: en
    Timezone: America/Los_Angeles
    Space Amount: 999999999999999
    Space Used: 6291500
    Max Upload Size: 16106127360
    Status: active
    Job Title: ''
    Phone: ''
    Avatar URL: ''
    Notification Email: []

    By default, JWT applications automatically obtain an Access Token for the Service Account. It is possible to change the default user, but this guide assumes you do not do this.

    Next Steps

    • You can checkout the commands page on GitHub for example code.
    • You can also go to the second part of the OAuth 2.0 Quick Start for a tutorial on how to use the commands.