

The following is a list of permissions users, admins, and co-admins need to have when working with Terms of Services and Terms of Service Statuses.

Terms of Service

An end user is considered subject to Terms of Service when:

  • User belongs to or is collaborated into an enterprise that has a Terms of Service enabled
  • The type of Terms of Service reflects the user's relationship to the Enterprise
    • A managed Terms of Service for a user that is part of the same enterprise
    • An external Terms of Service for users collaborating into the enterprise

Terms of Service settings can be viewed by an end user if:

  • The user is subject to a Terms of Service; and
  • The Terms of Service Type is enabled on the enterprise

A Terms of Service's settings can be viewed by an enterprise admin or co-admin if:

  • They have View settings for your company permissions
  • The application has the Manage enterprise properties scope enabled
  • The Terms of Service belongs to their enterprise

Terms of Service settings can be edited by an enterprise admin or co-admin if:

  • They have 'Edit settings for your company permissions
  • The application has the Manage enterprise properties scope enabled
  • The Terms of Service belongs to their enterprise

Enterprise admins and co-admins can view, create, and edit Terms of Service settings for both external and managed Terms of Service without having accepted managed the managed Terms of Service for their own enterprise.

Terms of Service User Status

Terms of Service User Status can be viewed and edited by an end user if:

  • The User Status belongs to the end user
  • The Terms of Service type is enabled on the enterprise
  • The end user is subject to the Terms of Service

Terms of Service User Statuses belonging to other users can be viewed by enterprise admins and co-admins if:

  • They have Manager users permissions
  • The application has the Manage users scope enabled
  • The Terms of Service belongs to their enterprise
  • They have accepted the managed Terms of Service for their own enterprise, if applicable

Terms of Service User Status belonging to other users can be edited by enterprise admins and co-admins if:

  • They have Manager users permissions
  • The application has the Manage users scope enabled
  • The end user is subject to the Terms of Service
  • The end user is not an admin or co-admin
  • The Terms of Service belongs to their enterprise
  • They have accepted the managed Terms of Service for their own enterprise, if applicable

An end user cannot accept, reject, view external Terms of Service settings for an enterprise they are collaborating into until the end user accepts the managed Terms of service for their own enterprise, where applicable. Trying to do so will result in a TERMS_OF_SERVICE_REQUIRED error.